Thursday, March 10, 2011

Growing Readers and Writers!

Take a peek at some of the exciting things we are doing in our classroom this month! We are testing out new ways to use our smart reading and writing skills, and grow more and more each day.
Writing Lenten prayers in Religion
Students are beginning to record their thinking on post-its as they read each day
Working with different forms of  writing during Daily 4 centers
Practicing our literacy skills at the computer center
Taking a closer look at our big books with magic wands and special reading glasses
Retelling our favorite stories with puppets and felt pieces

"The more you read, the more you know. 
The more you know, the more places you'll go!" 
-Dr. Seuss


Thursday, March 3, 2011

Dr. Seuss Week

Bartholomew and the Oobleck Activity
After reading this story, students had a chance to experiment in making their own oobleck! Just like the book, ours was sticky, wet and green! 

Wacky Wednesday Fun
Students came to school in a wacky way on Wednesday. We saw all kinds of wacky clothes, hair, socks and shoes!

 Happy Birthday Dr. Seuss!
We used our Penny War pizza party prize to celebrate our favorite author's birthday. Yum!

After reading, Are You My Mother?, we checked out a real eagle mother and her eggs through an online streaming site. Students loved watching this mother in action! Keep an eye on them at home, too!

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Words of the Week


Question words were on deck this week in kindergarten! We worked with our tricky "wh" words to help us read our books and think deeply about stories. If you happened to listen in this week, you probably heard many "I'm wondering..." sentences. These will help our curious minds make sense of things we see and read. What fun we had learning these new words!


Sunday, February 20, 2011


 Welcome to Miss Norton's blog. Here you will find stories, themes, pictures, and special moments from our kindergarten classroom.  Enjoy!